Who said that you should be perfect

Dr. Mossie has written a book at God’s direction that will help people to prepare for the upcoming end-time events in the earth. There is much trouble that is soon to come upon the earth and it will severely test the people who live here. Many will suffer needlessly. Jesus has made a way of escape. If you want to get prepared for these events, there is only one way. In the book, Dr. Mossie explains all that God is telling this generation about these things. If you want to truly prepare for the future, then this is a must read.

Welcome to Adonai’s Agape through Jesus Christ Ministries

With this website we hope to reach out to the world with the true, pure Word of God as revealed through Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help ALL who will get to that place of perfection BEFORE Jesus comes back. Welcome and enjoy the Word of God as it changes your life for the better!

The story of

Dr Raymond D. Mossie

Over the past twenty years, God has been revealing His Word to Dr. Mossie in a powerful way. The main ministry gift that Jesus gave Dr. Mossie is that of a teacher. Through His revelations, God has given Dr. Mossie a number of teachings. Now God has directed that these teachings be made freely available. By clicking on the links below, you can have access to this powerful ministry gift of Jesus Christ. Through learning the ways of God and growing in the wisdom of Christ, understanding of the Holy Spirit and the revelatory knowledge that comes from the Father, your life can be forever changed for the better. Start NOW! 

Teachings & Books
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Featured teachings

Every act of FAITH is an act of LOVE toward God and our fellow man

Dr Raymond Mossie